Friday, December 28, 2007

I hold it?

Liam was just sitting on my lap trying to avoid going to bed. PJ's had been applied. He knew what was coming...

As we sat there he made his move - he pulled out the front of my shirt and tried to shove his hand down my shirt. I did the normal reaction - block with the hand.

Liam: I want to see your tummy.
Mommy: Um...No.
Liam: What's down there?
Mommy: "Something".

Liam stops for a second.

Liam: I wanna see the something.

I finally get him to stop trying to grab me when he changes tact.

Liam: Where's your skin tag? (While making a grab for my neck)
Mommy: Ugh.
Liam: Can I hold it?

He did.

Nothing is sacred when you're a mommy.

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