Saturday, February 23, 2008

No Fumar

Child: Mom? What does F-U-M-A-R spell?

Me: Fumar (said with perfect accent, by the way.) (Okay, that's probably a lie - but still - it sounds way better for the re-telling.).

Me: No fumar means no smoking in spanish.

Child: Ohhh?

(Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore.)

1 comment:

Dancingwater said...

Well, I tried to leave a post and messed it up so here it is again paraphrased.
It seems the Lord is in the mood to move his children. We got orders to Alaska. UGH I really want to go, my best friend lives there and she recently got saved so it's going to be exciting from that aspect. The bummer part is leaving this house. We'll have to rent it out because the market is so bad that it's not a good time to sell. I think we are going to buy in alaska because we don't know if anyone will rent to us with 4 cats!!! LOL But I know according to Jeremiah 29:11 that He will take care of me. I'm trying to take one day at a time. How's the kids, I'd love to see pictures of them. The last one's I saw, Lauren looks just like you Janelle. She has that precious spirit you have the just exudes from her eyes. I miss hiding behind the van and scarying to whey out of them LOL How's the doggies? I pray the Lord bless your adventure Janelle. you and Jon are doing such a good thing for our youth. As I told Jon, our kids were involved in Club Beyond at Ft Benning, that just changed my kids lives. Espeically my daughter. She was teased at school and didn't have any friends, but this club which was a Christian organization, helped her out so much. She was able to survive those tough years because of that club and it's donators. I'll never forget them. I imagine you and Jon will impact some kids yourselves. Way to go you guys. I couldn't think of a better couple for the job LOL
Love ya