Thursday, January 17, 2008

The thirsty little poopy

the thirsty little poopy


it's coming!!

This is what potty training has come to in the household nowadays. I'm still not quite sure what "the thirsty little poopy" means, but I do know that I haven't had to change a dirty diaper/pull up in 2 days. Yes, this
is what we mommies get excited about.

We have had a lot of false starts but I think
this time might be it! Liam is on the potty more often than not these days. At times it's a little annoying, but there will be no complaints from me. He has also taken it upon himself to instruct me on how to praise him. "Say yay me mommy!"

He isn't just in it for the praise though. We are totally using the bribery method. He is all about the
Canny! He get skittles for the #1s and in a kind of disturbing twist - milk duds for #2s.

No wonder he's on the potty all the time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Milk Duds made me laugh out loud! And yes, these are the things that us moms get excited about. Potty training is HUGE.